I am Marivic Cristobal, married and I have a three years old son. Before I’ ve been in the freelancing industry I am a teacher for two years. When the pandemic started I am really scared, I think I will lost my job. Finally, after four months we start our blending learning materials . At first, we are so excited that we can teach after a long months. I never thought that it was harder than we expected after a trial and error, the patience,perseverance ,work under pressure to give the quality of eduacation that our student needed we made a year unexpectedly amazing. But after end of school year , I know that our management need to less more teacher that’s why I started to look for opportunity in the internet and I found Virtual Assistant University. I’m so thankful and grateful of Virtualasting for giving me such opportunity to learn and grow upskills my skills.
Facts about me
I really love travelling and explore so many places.
I am a beach lover together with family.
I enjoy watching my son sleeping.
Watching netflx in my spare time.
I love eating and cooking.
I am a dog lover.
Let's collaborate!
Let me help you build a bigger and brighter future for your company.
Business essential tasks that you can’t do easily, don’t want to do, take you a large amount of time, or that you continually ignore.
All-in-one Virtual Assistant Solutions that will change your life and business.